Sunday, March 14, 2010

Oscars 2010

Well this is my first blog and in true blogging tradition, i'm going to spew out all my feelings on the Oscars this year. "The Hurt Locker" won Best Picture this year over the juggernaut that was "Avatar" and i say it was deservedly so. "The Hurt Locker" really hit a stride by not only keeping me on the edge of my seat but introducing the idea that a film based around the Iraq conflict can be a decent watch and not seem to preachy or political. "Avatar" was an amazing experience in the theater. It is like comparing apples and oranges when it comes to these to films but i feel i will re-watch "The Hurt Locker" more than "Avatar" and "Avatar" will probably loose its grand scope and encompassing dynamics when put on the small screen on dvd and taken away from its "3-D" theatrical wonder.

All the acting wins were predicted by websites previous to their wins and this made the ceremony almost a little more uninteresting than others i've seen in the past. The Oscars have come and gone and i really have no gripes, except i must throw out these two ideas.

1. (500) days of summer, seemingly the most realistic, true, heartbreaking romantic comedy of recent memory should have received a best original screenplay nomination and for that i will be forever upset with the Academy voters about.

2. Inglorious Basterds aka Quentin Tarantinos comeback film for the awards circuit, only received one award for best supporting actor, Christoph Waltz. Why not best picture or original screenplay wins? I know Tarantino is a nut as a personality but this man will end up just getting an honorary award someday and we will have missed out awarding one of the most unique and sharp director/writer of our time.


  1. Tarantino will be remembered with or without an Oscar, do not worry. He turned things on their ear with Pulp Fiction and made people rethink how these kids of films could and should be made. Awards very frequently are not about merit. No biggie.

  2. Ever see Tarantino do an interview? He's the most annoying person in the world. I don't even think Dick Cavett could maintain his composure if he had to interview this guy.

  3. Tarantino can seem annoying to some because he's so loud and cocky but when you have good films to back yourself up, i can't see how i could hate him. Plus he is extremely intellectual in regards to classic cult cinema
