Hello there fellow bloggers. You ever think to yourself, "man all these movies in the theaters are sequels or i feel like they've been made before and i just want something i haven't seen before"? Well I have an idea..something I have always wanted to see in theaters and has never been touched upon. A Hamilton vs. Burr movie. Yes, I mean the duel between Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton and Vice President Aaron Burr on July 11, 1804, better known as the "Duel at Dawn". Why hasn't anyone made a "Duel at Dawn" movie yet?
I got into this idea basically from an early age. I was watching a history channel film on historical events in American history, sometime around 6th or 7th grade. This story was the one that intrigued me the most and I have always wanted to see it told on screen with an actual studio-driven budget. Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton were both high figures in American politics during this time. They had longstanding political quarrel and belonged to two different political parties. When Aaron Burr finally challenged Hamilton to a gentleman's duel by the Hudson river, Hamilton accepted and was given the choice to pick a weapon. He chose for the battle to involve pistols, and on the early morning of July 11, Burr shot Hamilton which ultimately killed him and tarnished his reputation until the day he died.
The most famous duel in American history deserves a good movie. When I have pitched this idea to many of my friends they usually respond with enthusiasm and interest. My favorite feedback on this idea was my friend saying, "Oh yeah awesome dude, the guy on the ten dollar bill in a movie!".
I've had a lot of time to cast this picture in my head and find myself my dream director for the project. Sure there's plenty of directors that have had historical pictures come out within the past two decades, but lets spice it up a bit. Who do I see making the most interesting film on "the Duel"? Just for fun, here are my choices, and leave some feedback as to who you would imagine fitting the roles.
Alexander Hamilton played by Colin Firth: Colin Firth is an underrated actor. He has been great antagonists in Shakespeare in Love and The English Patient and was a great love-able character in Love Actually. He has good range and I see him fitting the role of a well respected political figure who takes much ridicule and opposition from the likes of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
Aaron Burr played by Christian Bale: Christian Bale can be a hero and a villain. He can be intense and suttle when he wants to. Why not have him in a role as the man who's career and reputation fall apart after being on such a high pedestal of political excellence. I would want Burr portrayed like Casey Affleck's character Robert Ford in The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, where you completely feel sorry for his circumstance though you find yourself slightly not rooting for him.
Thomas Jefferson played by Joseph Fiennes
James Madison played by Jonathon Pryce
John Adams played by Paul Giamatti
George Washington played by Ralph Fiennes
Governor George Clinton played by Brandon Gleeson
Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton played by Natalie Portman
Top 5 Directing Choices
1. Steven Speilberg (Who would have guessed this one?)
2. Christopher Nolan
3. Quentin Tarantino
4. Paul Thomas Anderson
5. Alfonso Cuaron
Nicely done and it's a good idea. Get your pitch together and find a producer with some cash!